We went to the hospital today for Rin's weekly weigh-in and he's doing great: 4432g! He was the pet of all the nurses and midwives; they kept saying how cute he was and how advanced. Here he is with one nurse doing the patented Rin-2-finger-suck.
This weekend Rin and I (and Tutu and Dulie) went to Sanda's baby play-center with Akane and Rui. (Mom you may remember that Rui was born a few hours before Rin.) He was a teeny-tiny little thing, but he's gotten quite huge!
We took Rin to the photo-studio yesterday to get his picture taken after his first temple visit, and he was a real trooper. He started to get a little fussy right at the end, but other than that he was an angel the whole time. Here he is with one of the ladies from the studio.
Two pictures today, yeah! This one is Rin in a little monogrammed outfit made for him by my friend Toshiko. She made him 3 adorable little suits,each with his name and a little symbol embroidered on it. Thank you, Toshiko!